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Resident regarding taking men from Samarinda and talk about shooting in the jungle and travelling in Borneo; return to the house, read my letters & in the afternoon go to the Custom House, get my outfit and have it taken to Mr. Gray's shack where I will repack it. Evening talk to the two men here at the house & learn more Malay. Bed about 10:30.

Friday, May 24, 1912.
Samarinda, Borneo.
C., R., Cl.
Arise about 5:00 & go to Mr. Gray's early and work there all day getting my outfit repacked and keep my four men busy, have tiffin with Mr. Gray and meet his wife & daughters, go to the Custom House about noon & settle with them for the duties on my goods. In the evening talk to the fellows at the house & look at the stars. I wish I could make things go quicker; not being able to talk makes everything difficult and am going to bed without writing as I thought I should.

Saturday, May 25, 1912.
Samarinda, Borneo.
C., R.
Arise about 6:00, go to Mr. Gray's, get my men to work and finish packing. The man I expected to take as cook did not show up on time so I have decided to let Ajat cook as he says he can do it. The packing and getting things into the  prau took so long that I was unable to start to-day. This evening I went to a Chinese store and ordered my provisions; talk to the fellows at the house in the evening.