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Sunday, May 26, 1912.
Leave Samarinda.
Cl., C.
Arise about 6:30, do a little writing and go to see Mr. Spaan the Assistant Resident & go to Mr. Gray's & see about leaving my cartridges there & get the provisions for a month on the prau, then go back to Pasang Grahaut, pay my bill for staying there, say good-bye to the 2 fellows at the house and about 3:00 leave Samarinda in my prau with 4 coolies to go to Batae Panggal for a short time, reach Batae Panggal after dark & make camp & set some traps & talk to the natives of the kampong.

Monday, May 27, 1912.
Batae Panggal.
C., R., Cl.
Arise about 5:45, take my shot gun and with a native boy go and shoot some small birds and a couple of animals the size of a chipmonk without rodents teeth, skin the birds and squirrels & in the afternoon with five or six natives go into the jungle & up the mountains, return to camp and after dark go with several natives Jacking for animals but have no luck; the moon is too bright. Return to camp about 3:00 A.M.

Tuesday, May 28, 1912.
Batae Panggal, Mahakkam River N. Side.
C., R., C.
Arise about 7:30 with some natives, men & boys, go with my gun & shoot some squirrels & get a couple of birds; walk about three or more miles but get nothing good as I have been told not to go in the jungle alone. I do not like to do so but I cannot get much with the natives; they continually talk and make a noise. Late in the afternoon go to a padi field & set many traps for rats, mice, etc., return and after eating go to bed rather early.