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Wednesday, May 29, 1912.
Batae Panggal.
C., R., C.
Arise 6:00; with some natives, about 8 or 10, go into coconut groves & shoot four squirrels; it is much harder to see animals than I expected and about half of those shot cannot be found on account of the dense jungle; skin the squirrels, a rat and a green pigeon and go after more pigeons but only see some at a distance but see some monkeys (^[[moenjet - handwritten in black ink over erased word]]) but could not get anywhere near them; return to camp rather disgusted. Bed early.

Thursday, May 30, 1912.
Batae Panggal, N. Bank of Mahakkam.
C., Cl., R., Cl.
Arise about 6:00 and with some natives from the kampong go out and hunt, get some snakes and go further along the river and into the jungle but was unable to get any orang utan, return to camp; I do not feel extra well; get a kijan (Muntjac), skin it, mix some salt & alum, pickle and put the snakes in my alcohol tank. I intended to try and get some pigs to-night but gave up the idea as it is not moonlight enough to see and too light for a jack.

Friday, May 31, 1912.
Mahakkam River.
C., Cl., R.
Arise about daylight at Batoe Panggal, break camp and start for another kampong further up the river; in the prau all day. It was very hot and current was very strong most of the way. Late this afternoon on the north bank of the river were a band of Munyit and I shot one; we stopped on the bank of the river to cook and as the current was very strong, decided to wait until morning before continuing; sleep on the prau. After having several showers, it is a fine night.