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Saturday, June 1, 1912.
Lo Bou Bou, Mahakkam River. ^[[Lo Bon Bon]]
C., R., C.
Arise at daylight and start on towards Lo Bou Bou and the morning is beuatiful, slightly cloudy but very calm. I shot at a crocodile in the water but did not get it. We reached Lo Bon Bon about 8:00 and while I was skinning the munyit I got yesterday my four men were making camp but they were very slow about it. Afternoon go with a native in a sampan & shoot 2 munyits & some birds. The stream we were on was typically tropical; the natives are very nice and take quite an interest in watching me skin animals.

Tuesday, June 4, 1912.
Lo Bou Bou.
C., R., Cl.
About daylight go with Ajat (my man) to see my traps & get one rat and shoot a small squirrel after cutting my way through dense underbrush for a long way, return to camp and later start out and go up the little stream with Gindum in a small sampan & shoot a squirrel and a small bird & get drenched with rain, change my clothes & skin the squirrels, rat and bird and again go out and hunt but with no results; return & eat my evening meal of rice & eggs & tea and bed about 8:30.

Thursday, June 13, 1912.
R., C.
Nothing particular happened to-day. This afternoon I went with Usup, a native, to a place about 2 1/2 miles from here and tried to find the cave where I saw so many small bats about a week ago. We hunted for this cave for about 3 hours but were unable to find