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to-day after having worked all night. The bats took a great deal of time and as I got very sleepy I worked very slowly but had I waited my specimens would have spoiled. I had my men bring some of my boxes into a shed of the Rajah & after getting some birds catalogued I went to the other side of the river and tried to get some red monkeys but was unable to do so. I did, however, get one very young one, the parent of which I wounded.

Thursday, June 20, 1912.
As I had several specimens to prepare I did not go out early this morning but later went to the Island with some natives. I saw 2 large monitor lizards but got neither of them as the jungle was very dense & had I shot their skins would have been ruined.

Saturday, June 22nd, 1912.
R., Cl., C.
Had it not rained early this morning the Rajah would have gone with me after animals but it rained nearly all the morning so I spent my time preparing mammal & bird skins. After lunch, the Rajah's son & a Malay official came to see me and later I went with them to get squirrels as they knew where there were black ones; we did not see any. I stopped with them & had tea at the Sultan's palace, a beautiful place.

Sunday, June 23, 1912.
R., Cl., C.
We left Tanggaroeng early this morning in the Rajah's steam launch; after going up stream for about an hour we stopped at a Kampong on the North bank of the river and waited there for coal