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Tuesday, July 23, 1912.
Arise early & with a couple of boys go & collect some small birds; kingfishers & sun-birds were the principal ones.

Monday, July 29, 1912.
Beraoe & Tanjong Redeb.
I slept on the cabin top & did not awaken until long after sunrise to learn that we would be in Tanjong Redeb in about half an hour. I went to the Customs House & the official there gave me information & sent his men on errands for me. The Controller was not there but I met him on the river this P.M.; I secured passes for Si, Ambang, Distila & Si Ambang's brother. I bought rice, milk, flour, vegetables, an anchor & cable & water carriers for the prau. Left Tanjong Redeb at 2:00 P.M. & start for Karang Tigau; shoot 6 monkeys on the North bank of the river.

Tuesday, July 30, 1912.
Beraoe to Karang Tigau.
C., R.
When I awoke shortly after sunrise we were slowly sailing down the Beraoe or rather drifting down that river. The wind was from many directions during the day but always light. I spent a good part of the day finishing preparing the skins of the monkeys I shot yesterday afternoon & late this afternoon shot some curlew plover & knot on a shoal; as a squall came up suddenly, we stopped; we have stopped for the night just to the south of Tg. K. Tigau.

Wednesday, July 31, 1912.
Karang Tigau.
C., R.
Arise shortly after daybreak & have the men row & pole the