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prau along the shore & I finally decided to make camp at the mouth of the Karang Tigau River; as the water was low we could not get the prau near shore; I put the men to work building a small house & then take my rifle & go down the beach & shoot a small pig; Giap Sung helped me skin it on the beach & that finished, I helped get things ashore & after dark about 12:00 go along the beach but did not get a shot at a pig.

Thursday, August 1, 1912.

        Spent the morning sciving the skin of the pig.

Sunday, August 4, 1912.
   Karang Tigau.

        Arise about 8:00 & skin a musung & 2 plandok & as soon as the tide fell I started off along the beach to hunt for the crocodile I shot at last night; we walked N.W. along the beach for about 5 miles & I shot a monkey & some small birds & on the way back shot at a large pig but did not get it as it was far away, about 300 yds; I also shot a white headed brown eagle. Distela & Caiman are good jungle men & I hope to get a lot of pigs before very long. After makan, go to bed; I am tired out.

Monday, August 5, 1912.
   Karang Tigau.
   C., Cl., R.

        Arise at daybreak & see a big pig up the beach; shoot but did not get it. Spent the most of the day skinning & in the afternoon go south along the beach with Caiman & Distela & shoot at a fine big pig but he ran off; we followed it into the jungle for a ways but lost the trail as it got dark; after dark, go with the lamp & see