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     Afterwards Ampong went hunting on the edge of the reef, returning when the tide rose. He got several blow fish and teripang; the fish were very good.
     With the rising tide came a breeze and we reached Muara Tua just at dark and had to close up things hurriedly as a very black squall was approaching.

Tuesday, May 20, 1913.
   Pulo Muara Tua. (Paiung [[superscript: 2]])

     I shot a heron from the boat as we poled along the shore this morning and then got in the canoe and went into Telok Pier and went ashore and hunted on the north shore and got some small birds and returned to the prahn about noon; went ashore again about 4;00 P.M. with a couple of natives (Bajans) - (Anak Si Arip & Adang) and got two parrots and some smaller birds. Ama Si Adang has made clear all the ground that can be used for growing coconuts and has somewhat over 700 trees, all of which are from 18 months to two years old and the finest I have seen excepting at Pulo Pandjang.

Wednesday, May 21, 1913.
   Pulo Muara Tua (Paiung [[superscript: 2]]

    I finished preparing specimens about 2:00 P.M. and went and had a bath of good fresh water which felt fine after so long with nothing but sea water excepting when it rained.
     I shot several swifts this afternoon and four monkeys. I was accompanied by several Bajan boys who are always anxious to see me shoot,and scramble for the empty cartridges.

Thursday, May 22, 1913.
   Pulo Muara Tua (Paiung [[superscript: 2]]

     Have not been out of the prahn all day.  The men got a dozen