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April 20, 1914.
Long Iram to Melak.

My little musang died during the night. This animal (No.1495) has been a pet since its capture two months ago, and since that time it has been kept on the boat and fed on condensed milk, rice, and bananas. The latter part of the time it was very active and would play about like a kitten. When taken on land it would follow close at my heels and on the boat did not like to be caged but liked to wander about examining everything aboard especially at night.

It probably ate some arsenic which caused its death.

This morning I called on Lieutenant Metsis (?) and he showed me a beautiful mandow which he had brought from Upper Kajan, one of the finest I have seen.

Mr. Muller and his family came to see me off.

Leave Long Iram about noon in tow of the Government steamer, Mahakam, and arrive at Melak at sundown.

The captain of the steamer, a Malay, came and told me that there are lots of deer about Melak, so about 8:00 P.M. I started out with the lamp and hunted until about one o'clock A.M. I saw the eyes of two deer but could not get near them as the water was deep between them and me.

The banks of the Mahakam river, close to the river are high enough so that they are rarely flooded but back from the river is all low and when the river is high it is almost impossible to walk inland.

April 21, 1914.
Melak to Tenggarung.

About 5:30 A.M. we left Melak and made no stops. During the day I exposed four dozen of plates and hope that some of them will make good pictures, but the plates are bad, having been kept too

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