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forty yards ahead of us; it disappeared beneath the water and a moment later came to the surface about fifteen feet from me and we were drifting directly towards it. I shook the lamp but as it did not dive, I picked up the shotgun with my right hand and fired; the top of its head and the end of its nose were the only parts above the surface of the water and I aimed for the top of the head which was about five feet from the end of the gun. It was a large specimen and made an awful splash and its back hit the bottom of the canoe.

The weather has been fine and clear and the night is clear and cool.

April 28, 1914.
Sungai Djambajan, "Lembus".

With the fifty rat traps set yesterday, get one Tupaia and one rat, the latter spoiled by ants. Shoot a pair of proboscis monkeys and some squirrels. Set about eighty more rat traps and some large traps.

There was a squall this afternoon with some wind and black clouds, but no rain;otherwise a fine day.

April 29, 1914.
Sungai Djambajan,"Lembus".

This morning I was delighted to have caught six rats; three however, were spoiled by ants. Ants sometimes attach specimens before they are dead. On two occasions, I have found rats still breathing and their ears half gone and the skin eaten off their feet and about the snout by small ants.

Spend most of the day making a long hedge or fence of branches, leaves, etc. with openings every few yards in which a trap was placed; use trail scent on my shoes and put the liquid animal bait near the traps.

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