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November 1, 1914.
   Starting for Toli Toli.

     Kwandang to S.W. corner of Pulo Otangala.

     Early this morning I went to call on the Controleur and returned to the boat about 9:00 o'clock and at ten set sail.  At first there was a good N. N.W. breeze and we were not long beating our way out of the harbor and then started westward. At one o'clock it began to look squally and there was less wind but a big sea.  At about 3:30 we were struck by a squall which lasted about an hour; it blew a terriffic gale and rained very hard. Finally we had to come in behind Otangala fro the night as the wind has shifted to southwest. 

November 2, 1914
  From S.W. corner of Pulo Otangala to Soemalata in a heavy sea with a light   wind. 

     Anchor to the southwest of Dojanoema Island in eighteen fathoms of water.  Wind and rain squalls during the night.