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- I -
[[underlined]] Persons who have assisted in work of the Commission of Safeguarding, etc. [[/underlined]]

I. [[underlined]] American Defense, Harvard Group [[/underlined]]
Ralph Barton Perry
Arrangements for use of lists of monuments by armed forces; organized sponsoring of lists by American Defense, Harvard Group.

Mrs. Catherine Malone
Organized typing and multiplying of lists, in teeth of great difficulties.

II. [[underlined]] Lists of Monuments Prepared by American Defense [[/underlined]]
Hugh Hencken    )
W. G. Constable )   Editing and revision

Ernst Kitzinger     Jugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria

Otto Benesch        Austria

Jakob Rosenberg     Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg

Eva Benesch         Czechoslovakia (in part)

Harald Ingholt      Denmark

Georges Wildenstein France

Kenneth Conant      Assistance with France

C. A. Robinson      Greece

With the assistance of:
Prof. and Mrs. T. Leslie Shear
Prof. Lucy T. Shoe
Dr. Dorothy K. Hill
Prof. David H. Robinson
Miss Lucy Talcott
Stephen B. Luce
Prof. Oscar Bronser
Prof. Alfred R. Belling
Prof. W. B. Dinsmoor
Prof. Herbert N. Couch

Margaret Ames        Hungary, Tunisia (in part)

Doro Levi            Italy (general editor)

[[Bracket in margin in pencil linking the following section with the word 'Inset']]
[[underlined]] Specific Lists by:[[/underlined]]
Mario E. Blake

Herbert Bloch

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kennedy

Rennselaer W. Lee

Doro Levi