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13 of the BULLETIN). Directive No. 7 delegates the task of assignment of responsibility for study and recommendations to implement decisions of the Potsdam Conference, including establishment of central German administrative departments of finance, transport, communications, foreign trade, and industries.
   Directive No. 9 outlines the responsibilities of the Legal Directorate in developing policies and procedures regarding major war criminals. No. 10 describes the official languages (English, Russian, and French) and states that publications of legislation of the Council and the Berlin Kommandatura will be published in all three. It further specifies that, though a translation shall also be issued in German whenever the legislation is designed to regulate or govern the people of Germany (or German officials or agencies), the validity of any legislation does not depend upon its issuance or publication in German. The 10th Directive also states that from time to time a Gazette will be published containing all of the legislation of the Council. No. 11 outlines Control Council methods of legislation (as defined in this article), and No. 12 directs that copies of all legislation issued within each Zone, as well as information on German courts and law, be submitted
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to the Secretariat of the Control Council in order to avoid duplication of effort and render mutual assistance. The 13th Directive establishes procedure on the preparation of Control Council legislation.

   The 14th sets forth the Allied Wage Policy, and is probably of more direct interest to Military Government at lower levels than any of the other Directives in that, on the premise that during the period of occupation Germany shall be treated as a single economic unit, common policies are established for all Zones in regard to wages, prices, and rationing. Directive No. 15 announces the Adoption of a Standard Time throughout Germany, and No. 16 defines Council policy on the Rearming of German Police.

  Control Council legislation will override corresponding legislation previously enacted by SHAEF or USFET. The earlier legislation will not, however, be considered supplanted except as the new Control Council legislation covers the same ground. Where a part but not all of the subject matter of the SHAEF or USFET legislation is dealt with, the part not included in the Control Council legislation will continue in effect unless the result necessarily involves an inconsistency with the new legislation.
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