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general goal will in any case be the same. 

"We men of the new press realize that in spite of the unity of purpose we are divided by many contradictory opinions, that our political ideologies are different. But we know, too, that the essence of Democracy lies in finding the right solution to all these Differences of opinion and attitude by free discussion, by mental searching, by directing and bringing to effectiveness the forces and masses which hold to these ideas. When a decision has been made according to Democratic rules, then Democracy demands that one offer his hand to his political opponent and bid him co-operate in fulfilling the will of majority."


The Need for Re-education Recognized

One of the most difficult tasks we have set ourselves is to educate the Germans, especially the impressionable youth, away from the perversions of nazi doctrine and toward the acceptance of the ideals of a democratic Christian society. We know that this "spiritual denazification" cannot be achieved by any "mandatory-removal" expedient, but that its success will depend on the degree of understanding the Germans themselves show towards this problem, and the genuineness of their will to effect their own re-education. It is encouraging to note, therefore, the clear evidence of such understanding and the presence of such will contained in the speech given by Dr. Hogner, the new Minister Prasident of Bavaria, on the occasion of his assumption of office.. The part of his speech pertinent to the problem of re-education is quoted below in translation:
"External measures against national socialism are necessary, but they don't strike at its heart. That can only be accomplished by overcoming its evil spirit. The new government, therefore, ignoring differences of philosophical opinion, will concentrate on placing all its cultural and educational policies in the service of the struggle against the insane teachings of national socialism. We have again had a narrow escape - but we have had an object lesson which will remain in the memory of many generations to come. We know now that the consequences are, when the foundations of human society are destroyed: the society of the free and equal, the spirit of brotherly tolerance, the respect for higher laws and for the religious and political convictions of our neighbors. Because of the terrible moral degradation of our people by national socialism, we must start from the very beginning to attain again an orderly social life,, paying attention first to the re-establishment of the correct principles of bringing up children, and then proceeding to the more advanced forms of social life. The problems here confronting the educators of our people are tremendous, but we should be despairing of the future of our nation if we considered them insoluble. The State government therefore intends to devote the greatest attention to the educational question, and to the cultivation of the intellectual and moral values of all  civilized peoples."


"Good Old Uncle Doc"

Any number of reports have long since established the medical certificate as one of the favorite dodges used by nazis to evade the menial tasks assigned to them upon our direction by the German administration. The obliging attitude of many German doctors toward former party members is wittily commented upon and castigated