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It was a hard place to judge distance.  We walked more than a quarter mile, probably less than a half mile through that passage.  Other shafts branched from it.  In places it had been cut out to a width of about twenty feet.
Throughout we walked in a path not more than a foot and a half wide.  The rest was compressed humanity.  They stood, they sat on branches or on stones. They lay on cots or stretchers.  This was the population of the city, all that could not get away. At one time the priest had to stop and speak to a woman who was ill.  Many must have been ill.  There was a stench in the humid air.  Babies cried fretfully.
We were the first Americans they had seen.  They had no doubt been told that we were savages. The pale grimy faces caught in our flash lights were full of fear and hate.  Children were snatched out of our path.  And ahead of us went the fearful word, half way between sound and whisper - "Amerikaner"  That was the strange part of this occurrence, the impact of hate and fear in hundreds of hearts close about us and we the targets of it all.

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