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American Periodicals.
1  [[strikethrough]]Taylor, Stamp Collectors Record, 1864-74, S.C.R. ^[[In pencil outside table - Canadian 3]] [[/strikethrough]]

2 Craig -, Stamp Argus........, 1865-, C.S.A. ^ [[In pencil outside table - Canadian]]

3 Stewart - Stamp Collector's M. Gazette, 1865-7, SCMG.
^[[In pencil outside table - Canadian]]

4[[strikethrough]] Winterburn, Stamp Circular......., 1856-6 W.S.C.[[/strikethrough]] ^[[In pencil outside table - 6]]

5 [[strikethrough]]Haines-, Curiosity Shop......., 1865, H.C.S. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[In pencil outside table - 5]]

6 [[strikethrough]] Gould-, Collectors Guide....., 1866, G.C.G [[/strikethrough]]  ^[[In pencil outside table - 7]]

7 [[strikethrough]] Mason-, Coin & Stamp Journal, 1865-6 MCSJ,[[/strikethrough]] ^[[In pencil outside table - 4]]

8 [[strikethrough]] King-, StampCollectors Review, 1886, K.S.C.R,[[/strikethrough]] ^[[In pencil outside table - 8]]

9 Craig -, Postmans Knock ...., 1866-7 C.P.K, ^[[In pencil outside table - Canadian]]

10[[strikethrough]] Kelsey-, Postage Stamp Reporter, 1867, KPSR,[[/strikethrough]] ^[[In pencil outside table - 12]]

11 [[strikethrough]] Fountain, Stamp Journal......, 1867, F.S.J. ^[[In pencil outside table - 11]][[/strikethrough]]

12 [[strikethrough]] Mason-, Coin & Stamp Col. Magazine, 1867-71, MSCM ^[[In pencil outside table - 9]] [[/strikethrough]]

13 [[strikethrough]] Seltz-, Postage Stamp Col.Monitor, 1867, S.M.[[/strikethrough]] ^[[In pencil outside table - 10]]

14 [[strikethrough]] Trifet-, American Stamp Mercury, 1867-71, A.S.M. ^[[In pencil outside table - 13]] [[/strikethrough]]

15 [[strikethrough]] Kelsey-, Coin & Stamp Journal, 1868, KCSJ.[[/strikethrough]]^[[In pencil outside table - 15]]

[[strikethrough]]^[[Fountain St ? R? prospectus 1868]][[/strikethrough]]^[[In pencil outside table - 17]]

16 [[strikethrough]] A.S.M.Co., The Stamp Buyer..., 1868, CP. [[/strikethrough]]^[[In pencil outside table - 14]]

17 [[strikethrough]] Scott-, American Journal of Phil, 1868-79, A.J.P.^[[In pencil outside table - 15]] [[/strikethrough]]

18 [[strikethrough]] Lyford-, Timbrophilist......, 1869-74 L.T. ^[[In pencil outside table - 20]] [[/strikethrough]]

^[[[Under the table - Fountain? American Philatelist Prospectus    18]]