Viewing page 26 of 218

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{{Note:all entries 19-32 and 37  are struckthrough in pencil but not deleted}}

^[[{In pencil;} [29] Trojay Monthly Catalogue & Issue 1870    [26] ]]

[22] 19, Learned, New England J. of Philately, 1869, N.E.J.P.                                              [19]

[27] 20, Kelsey ,Stamp Collectors Guide.,1870-73,SC.G. [25]

[24] 21, Brown, Curiosity Cabinet....., 1870-79,BCC.  [24]

[26] 22, Heylin, Philadelphia Monthly,   1870-72 P.M.  [23]

[28] 23, Leslie, Boys Stamp Gazette...,     1870,BSG.  [22]

[25] 24, Columbian, American St.Col.Guide,   1870.ASCG  [29]

^[[ {In pencil:}[30]*Anon, Britannica & Murray        1871  Canadian]]

[34] 26, Jagger ,The Collector........,   1871-2,J.C   [35]

^[[ {In pencil:}[31]*Anon, Postage Stamp [Journal?]         Canadian]]

[35] 27, Keystone, American Coin & Stamp Review, 1871, ACSR[30]

[36] 28, Langstroth,Postage Stamp.......,   1871-2, LP.S.[34]

[32] 29, Deakin's Old Curiosity Shop..,      1871, DOCS,[32]

[39] 30, Wheeler, Stamp Exchange....,        1871, S.E. [27]

[40] 31, Wheeler, Postage Stamp Reporter, 1871-2-5,P.S.R,[33]

[37] 32, Terhune, Stamp Collectors Magazine, 1871,T.SCM.[28]

[52] 33, B. Williams, Canadian Philatelist,   1872, C.P., Canadian

[48] 34, Internat S.C, Canadian Philatelist,1872-3,C.P. Canadian

[50] 35, Richardson, Maine Philatelist....,   1872 RMP.  [45]

[45] 36, Bruce, Stamp Collector's Chronicle, 1872-3 B.S.C.C. Canadian

[49] 37, Pinkham, Stamp Collector's Monthly, 1872-6 PSCM.

^[[{In pencil:}[42] Anon  American Postage Stamp Journal 1872  [39] ]]
^[[{In pencil:} Casey &c Stamp World     prospectus 1872        [41] ]]