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142, Spencer, United Kingdom P.S.Advertiser,     1863, UKPA,
143, Wilks  , International P.S. Review,         1863, IR,
144, Boel   , London & New York St. Col. Review, 1864, LNCR.
145, Burrell, Newcastle & Gateshead, St.Advr.R,  1864, BNGR.
146, Dalston, North Of England St. Review & Adv, 1864, NESR.
147, Dean   , The Stamp Collectors Miscel.,    1864-5, DSCM,
148, Evans  , National Postage Stamp Express,    1864, NPSE,
149, Howard , The Universal Stamp Gazette,       1864, USG.
150, James  , Northumberland & Durham St.Adv.    1864, NDSA.
151, Johns  , British For.St. & Coin Advertiser, 1864, BFSA.
152, Preston  Curiosity Society's Two papers,    1864, CCM.
153, Chaseman, Collectors Herald....           1865.6. CCH.
154, Industria,Collectors Circular .,          1865.6. I.CC
154, Lausley,  Bath Stamp & Coin Gazette,      1865 B.S.C.G.
155, Parsons, Stamp Collectors Examiner,       1865 P.S.C.E.
156, Smith  , The New Curiosity Times..,       1865, SNCT,
157, Thorp & Burns, Stamp Collectors Pocket Companion,
                                               1865, SCP.C.
158, Wroe   , Liverpool St. Col. Journal,      1865, LSCJ.
159, Abbs & Fryer, Stamp Courier & Curiosity Adv,1866, SCCA.