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199 Morley   Stamp Dealers Gazette                 1880 MSG
200 Reid     British Philatelist                   1880 RBP
201 Reid     British Philatelic Advert.            1880 RBP
202 Reid     Monthly Review & Advertiser           1880 RBP
203 Reid     Monthly Exchange & Jour of Phil       1880 RBP
204 Ragels Wright & Co   For. Stamp Gazette        1880 RFG
205 Spink    Monthly Philatelist                   1880 SMP
206 Tozer    Amateur Exchange                      1880 TAE
207 Ventura  Monthly Advertiser & Rev.             1880 VMR
208 Wilkin   Monthly Advertiser.                   1880 WMA
209 Butler   Philatelic Review                     1880 BPR
210 Darvill  The Philatelic Globe                  1881 DG
211 Darvill  The Philatelic Adver.                 1881 DA
212 Gale     The Philatelic Times                  1881 GT
213 Hardmann The Philatelic Star                   1881 HS
294 Hunter   Stamp Collectors Friend               1882 HSF
295 Mahon    Royal Philatelist                     1882 MRP
296 Nunn     Stamp Dealers Gazette                 1882 NSDG
297 Stevens  Philatelic Observer                   1882 SPO
298 Williams Postage Stamp Gazette                 1882 PSG