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1872. "Officially Sealed" for broken packages.      [47]
1st type. back ground of letters.
P.S.R.   I,  4,  2, Apl. 1872:  WBZ, II, 22, 91, Oct. 1877: 
S.J.   III, 29, 19, Mch. 1877:  IBJ, IV, 47, 84*,Nov. 1877:
T.P.    XV,173, 34, May  1877:  ASC, IV, 39, 35, Mch. 1878:
S.J.   III,   , 61, Aug. 1877:  GDC,  I,  4, 28, Apl. 1878:
W.B.Z.  II, 22, 91, Oct. 1877:  WEP,  I,  8, 62, Apl. 1878:
A.B.A. VII,145,  1, Oct. 1877:  P.Q, II,  6,  6,June. 1878:

1878."Officially Sealed" for broken packages.
II.type, background of
GIT. III,  1,  5, Jan. 1878:  APC.     I,  1,  3, Oct. 1879:
ADT.  VI, 68,276, Aug. 1879:  T.P.  XVII,203, 96, Nov. 1879:
HD.P.  I,  1,  2, Aug. 1879:  Union. III, 36,244, Dec. 1879:
S.J.   V, 56, 61, Aug. 1879:  F.W.P.   V. 3.  23  Mch  1880:


Timb. IV. 37,296, Nov. 1867, supposed reprints of the issues of 1847,1857 & 1861. probably an error.

The only reprints of the United States stamps were made at the time of the Centenial Exhibition and are noticed as follows.
PJ.  II, 16, 42, Apl, 1875: Phil.  IX, 104, 102,  July 1875:
DPM.  I,  4, 14, May, 1875: T.P. XIII, 152,  61,  Aug. 1875:
SJ .  I,  5,  2, May, 1875: T.P. XIII, 153,  72, Sept. 1875:
AJP. IX,113, 73, May, 1875: CDF.    I,   7,   2,  Oct. 1875:
AJP. IX,113, 80, May, 1875: FPB.   IV,  27, 102,  Oct. 1875:
DPM.  I,  4, 14, May, 1875: ACN.    I,   5,   1,  Jan. 1876:
ASC.  I,  6,  1,June, 1875: AS.C.  II,  20,   1,  Aug. 1876:
Phil.IX,103, 86,June, 1875: AJP.   XI, 114,  21,  Feb. 1976:
AJP. IX,114, 93,June, 1875:
ASC.  I,  7,  2,July, 1875: