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The Ghost -- By Mary Smalls

James Island, South Carolina

I gine tell de story now 'bout de --- 'bout de ghos'. One day de ghos' tryin' to scare me. An' w'en de ghos' try to scare me, he was comin' pas' de house, an' dere is uh wire fence run. An' aftuh de wire fence run 'long like dat, an' I git to de wire fence, I pit [put] my han' on de wire, an' w'en I pit my han' on de wire, he say, "Booh!" ---- in de sperit --- in my sleep.

An' I say, " Oh, no!" I say: "Look at dat ghos' try to scare me! I tink [think] I'll walk de nex' pat [path]."

An' w'en he git roun' dey [there] he say to me--say, "Yes, you walk from dat side dere, but I sho [surely] gine scare you agin."

An' I say: "Oh, no!  you can't be scarin' me all de time like dat.  I tink I'd bettuh go out in de wilderness an' pray some mo, an' de Lord is given me fate [faith] fuh stan'."

An' den I gone an' I pray, an' aftuh I pray, den he come back anudduh night an' start to scare me.  He pit on uh long, old w'ite---w'ite gown.  W'en he pit on uh long w'ite gown -- time I get to de do [door] he say, "Meow!"

An' w'en he say "Meow," I say, "Oh dat ain' nutt'n but a cat." [Laugh]

An' w'en de try to scare me like dat, I say: "Oh, you go 'way from dis do.  I believes in Jesus; you can't do nutt'n to me.  I don't 'fraid."

He say, "Well, dats all right; I come in again."

An' w'en he come again, he come like he wan' uh wrastle wid me.  W'en he come like he wan' uh wrastle wid me, I say: "Oh, man, go in de crik.  Don't worry roun' me; I don't wan' have no part wid you.  Do you know dat Jesus Chris'," -- I say: "If you believe an' trus' in him, nobody can't you.  I believes an' trus' in Jesus Chris' an' nobody can't harm me."

He said, "Yes!"-- he said, "If you believe in Jesus Chris', I'll come back again, an' I'll try you in anudduh form."
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