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Journal of the Voyage from Boston to San Francisco by B. S. Buckley. Jan 23 1849. At nearly two oclock pm the good ship Capitol, with 200 passengers hauled out from Lewis ^ [[insert mark]] Wharf into the Channel, preparatory to hoisting Sail for California after giving three hearty Cheers for out friends and the Old Bay State. Wednesday 24th At seven this morning, Brigham and other Charters of the Ship, came on board and having received from the passengers their certificate of passage, they examined the Ship to ascertain that no interlopers were Stowed away, the Captain and pilot being on board the Anchor was weighed and Sail hoisted for the promised land, about 3 p.m. we discharged the pilot towards ^[[dark?]] the only part of Massachusetts to [[strikethrough]]was[[/strikethrough]] be seen was Cape Cod which I gazed on for perhaps the last time, went below and occupied for the Night my apartments a chamber Six foot long two ft. wide about three ft high Thursday 25th When I turned out this morning I looked round for the land, but there was no land to be seen. The wind is fair and our course is E.S.E. quite a number of my fellow passengers have symptoms of sea sickness Friday 26 Almost every other passenger passenger on board is sick and they run to the sides of the ship to discharge cargo those who are not sick laugh heartily and many are the cries of whale sharks etc as the poor devils lean over the side and strain their stomachs to relieve them of the Nauseous feeling
Transcription Notes:
'Aark'on weds 24th may be 'Dark' as his 'd' does not generally have a tall part to it