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at 2 p.m. we have a new yard riggd in place of the one carried away yesterday a call was made for the second cabin
passengers to assemble under the Main Hatch, for the purpose of taking some measures to procure better fare than we have had thus far, some spirited resolutions were offered by Mr. Whittemore of the Bunker Hill Co., which were adopted and signed by many of the passengers and were to be presented to Capt Proctor on the following day, at four p.m. Notice was given that Capt Atwood would hold religious services under the Main Hatch at 1/4 before five o'clock, at which time with other of my fellow passengers I repaired to the appointed place and was deeply impressed with the fervent and eloquent appeal to the throne of grace in behalf of his fellow passengers by Capt A who is a regular licensed preacher after prayer a Hymn was sung and a Chapter read from Deut and the speaker made some excellent remarks on the same likening the passengers and the Sons of New England to the children of Israel in going into the promised land and impressing upon them the importance and necessity of preserving their N.E. customs manner and religion we were glad that such services had been held and feel assured that their influence will be felt by all on board.

Monday 29
The wind is fair and out course the same as yesterday, we have averaged about seven knots per hour, no observations have yet been taken of the sun  so as to ascertain the latitude or longitude

Transcription Notes:
I think Deut is the shortening of Deuteronomy - a book in the Bible.