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and the general [[fret]] of all on board reminds one of the Sabbath our worthy Captain in a very commendable manner posted up notice that Religious Services would be held on deck at ten a.m. Services were performed by Capt. Atwood in a very creditable manner, we had three instruments and altogether it seemed more like a country Meeting House in the wooden clock State than being on board Ship Capitol 2000 miles or more from Land [[strikethrough]] no obs [[/strikethrough]] Lat 28"5 Lon 39"49

Monday 5th
The weather still continues fair and to day we have arrived in the trades, the weather is warm enough to go in Shirt Sleeves the health of all on board is good and as things become arranged the passengers appear better satisfied & various are the means of amusement adopted by all hands. Checquers, dominoes, Cards, Gammon &c 7 1/2 p.m. all hands are grouped round the deck surmising on the time we shall arrive at the [[Laine Rio?]] &c a Dance is now going on on deck with 2 violins and a flute for music. The Captain and crew looking on appear to enjoy the scene I retired to quarter deck and looked out on the mighty expanse of water and thought of the account of the creation given by Moses that previous to the creation the Earth was void and without form and the sprit of God moved upon the waters, does not the hand of some Almighty power now direct and govern them or is this World with all the other innumerable planets the work of chance.
Lat 26"30 Lon 37"25

Tuesday 6
Wind and weather same as yesterdays Saw a school of sperm whales, Lat 24"20 Long 23"01"

Transcription Notes:
[[fret]]may also be 'quiet' (first line)