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Wednesday 7th
All is now anxious to arrive at Rio. and numerous are the enquiries as to the time we shall arrive there the winds are growing stronger and with the waves are certainly in our favour for we are making rapid progress. I have a slight cold and feel rather indisposed so much so that I fear I shall have to confine myself to my 2 6 chamber
Lat 21"30 Long 31"44 Saw a sail on our Lee Bow.

Thursday 8th
Not a breath of air to ripple the water and we lay almost motionless this causes long faces and will make us have the Blues quicker than anything else. not excepting poor fare Talking grub loud long and deep are the imprecations vented on Brigham for the deception he practised on us, the Boys have just sung a song of about 20 verses about him and a peep that he sent as purser named [[Herric?]]. Lat 18"56 Long 31"07" West

Friday 9
The first question asked this morning was how long have we had this breeze, well we have had this since eleven o'clock last night. She goes well this morning. I wonder if we are going to have any breakfast this morning. eight bells and here it is, Hash composed potatoes mashed together with a sprinkling of Beef, just enough to say Beef, and Coffee as [[pat?]]had it with the grounds all in the part that cost the money and twenty fifth quality Ship Bread Well there is the danger of being gouty from high living.
Lat to day at noon 17"12 Lon north Lon 23"39"
I feel more indisposed to day. Cold in my Head.

Transcription Notes:
might be'anxiety' rather than 'anxious (on first line) that might also be 'no' danger of being gouty (3rd line up from end)