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Saturday 10th
Our noble craft is sailing along this morning at the rate of nine knots per Hour, and as she bounds from billow to Billow, dashing the sparkling foam on either side a gleam of pride and satisfaction is visible on the countenances of all, and conjectures are numerous as to the time we shall arrive at Rio. and whether we shall beat the Everett or not. many think we will catch her at Rio. The Boys are amusing themselves on Deck by trials of Strength, Sparring, Cards & Backgammon, several schools of porpoises & Flying Fish and Some old Salts among the passengers have their Harpoons all ready to give 'em' some if they come across our Bows
Lat 14"14 Lon 28"15

Sunday 11th
A dance on Deck last evening caused some dissatisfaction between the Captain and some of the passengers ^[[caused by unnecessary noise]] which the Captain Stopped in rather a Summary manner, explanations [[ensued ?]] and [[strikethrough]]there[[/strikethrough]] Nobody hurt, Sail Ho, a Bark too far off to Speak, 8 Bells dinner, consisting of Salt Beef one vulgarly calld Salt Horse, and Duff the latter article composed of Flour, Raisins and some Fat, all boiled together and which is relished very much by all hands, at 2  1/2 p.m. Capt Atwood administered to the Spiritual wants of the people on board. he addressed the throne of grace and besought the God of the Ocean to pour his Spirit on thos on board, who were far from their Country, their friends and the endearments of Home he then read a portion of the 19 Chapter of Luke and Selected for his text the 41st and 42d verses on which he made some remarks in accordance with the Spirit of the text. after meeting the preacher might ^[[be seen]] on the martingal stays with Harpoon in hand waiting for some porpoises discovered on the Weather Bow. that he might administer to the temporal as ^[[well as]] the Spiritual man Lat 11 30 Lon