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Monday 12th
I feel quite unwell this morning, but succeeded in attending a meeting of 2nd Cabin passengers who appointed a Court of three to wait on Capt Proctor and lay before him the grievances of the 2nd Cabin passengers and the abusive manner of the First Mate to many and one old Gentleman name of Shaw, in particular in the afternoon the Court reported that they had held a conference with Capt P. and that he informed ^[[them]] that he should do all in his power to make the passengers comfortable and that tomorrow he would give them a bill of Fare & Some Rules for their government while on Board The report was accepted and three Cheers given for the Capt. and three more for the Court. Sail Ho - of the Weather Bow She Shows her colours and is called a French Bark She [[huffs?]] up in the wind as though She were afraid of us Lat 8"30 Lon

Tuesday 13th
A fresh breeze sprang up about five p.m yesterday and the way she walks through the water is not slow, ten knots an hour for the last 24 hours. Oh! Crackie aint it hot, the Capt Sent his Rules of order to the passengers to day which were adopted. Being quite lengthy I will not insert them Lat. 5"53 Lon

Wednesday 14th
About ten this A.M. the wind died away and it became almost dead Calm, our motto now is to make the best of every thing, so bring up the Fiddle and the Bow Chorus Jig and off we go down outside, we are almost on the line, and may lay becalmed some time. The Boys have riggd a water Cask for a Bathing tub, so  that we can go the water cure with a looseness, Lat. 3"23 Lon 22