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Dinner two tubs of punch and Lemonade, do some good Cigars were then passed round and the Chairman of the previous meeting, calld the assembly to order and Mr B.F. Whittemore of Charlestown was appointed president of the day the Chairman read the farewell address of Washington after which an original ode was sung by the Choir, to the tune of Hamburg and was written by Mr Whittemore as follows "Americans Join in the Song Your countrys Father fondly praise Loud and free your notes prolong Up to the Heavens his glory raise Through dread oppressions bloody wars Freedom was ere his highest aim His ever was his countrys cause Commemorate his holy name His birth we do now celebrate Upon the mighty lifting Sea His fame we humbly dedicate Great Sire of truth and liberty Then as we glide calm on our way Come let us bless this glorious day Which gave the birth to freedoms Son And ushered forth a Washington Peace to his ashes silent laid Beneath the cold encircling clod He first his countrys call obeyed Then his Heavenly Fathers God Then followed the Hymn of America Some Sentiments were given and the dance commenced which lasted till broken up by a squall of rain.