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to the tune of the low lands, the chorus of which was we are Sailing into Rio &c as we ranged along side the foremost of the fleet which was the E Corning which sailed from the deleware capes twelve days previous to us we kept within speaking distance for some time and quite a cross fire of jocose wit and repartee passed between the Captain of the Corning and our skipper, we finally showed him heels and piloted the lot into the harbour as we entered the mouth of the harbour quite an exciting scene took place and one that for some time threatened to prove disastrous the winds had died away and the vessels outside retaing the breeze came in and some three or four were setting fast for the base of the fort caused by the tide or current running very strong, the Capitol Maria and a french Brig and Schooner came together the excitement for some time was great and we expected every moment to crash fortunately all cleared without injury, Some by letting go their anchors and the Capitol by the coolness and Suposed skill of her commander which was most admirably displayed on this occasion, the mouth of the harbour is defended by a fort at the base of the base of the sugar loaf a rock 500 ft high another in the middle of the harbour and a third on the right as you enter at the base of the mountain, it would seem as though nature intended to fortify the place without the aid of man. 
After we escaped the difficulty above mentioned [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] we saild up the harbour some two miles and let go our anchor in the midst of a fleet of Yankees all bound for California after our anchor was let go we received a visit from one of the boats of our squadron who booked were we were from where bound and the longitude in which we crossed the Equator. it being against the laws of the place he could not come on board till after we had visited by the health and Customs House officers these functionaries visited us during the afternoon and then commenced the, hurrah for going on shore -