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Thursday April 26th
Latitude 50"09 Longitude 78"40 Contrary winds and we knock and raffle round all ways, but the right way, first one tack  and then the other, this being being becalmed and having gales of wind are now so familiar that we scarcely notice them and there is nothing interesting but just what we have not got. a fair wind -

Friday 27th
Rainy and cold to day with an occasional sprinkling of hail, we are heading S.E a very interesting course for men in a hurry, two p.m. - the wind comes from the Southare and the yards are being braced up to meet it, Six p.m. heading N.N.W. and going like a two forty on the neck three cheers for that

Saturday 28th
Run well the last twenty four hours and our patience begins to increase again nothing new to say
Lat 47"09 Longitude 78"01

Sunday 29th
The Barometer indicated another gale last night and we are having it to day in good shape, up hill and down toss and tumble well if ever I go round Cape Horn again I hope to be
[[Janed?]] through the little end of it. No observations obtained

Monday 30th
At times last evening the wind hauld to the S.E. and having moderated a little, we made Sail, and to day we are going it like a Streak of Chalk,
No Lat obtained.