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Sunday May 6th
   At eight last evening tackd Ship and stood to the Westward at the Rate of eight knots pr hour, This is going from home surely and from this continual succession of head winds we are led to exclaim Misererie Mei most miserable and most discouraging is the way we get along, Capt. help it no how, Things have again become calmed down after the excitement of yesterday. Yet it is true that several acts of Capt A has lowered him to Such an extent that [[strikethrough]] Several [[/strikethrough]] of his duty as preacher has probably with all on board, thus it is that the great and reforming institution of Christianity, the only institution caled later to make men what they Should be on earth and fit them for another existence if any there be is brought into disrepute by the hypocrisy and unfaithfulness of men professing [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] but not possessing its principles - Cold and Stormy to day, tackd Ship at noon, no observations obtained dead reckoning Latitude 37"10 Longitude 76"23"

Monday May 7th
To day we have had the winds from all points of the Compass with Spells of Calm, Signalised a Top Sail Schooner, with english Colours The two four leggd dogs Carlo and Gage, had a trial of Skill, they both got awfully whipd badly after a fight of thirty minutes, it would be impossible to describe the anxiety, the impatience and the impatience of the passengers - they imagine that every vessel that left Rio at the time they did will beat them well we shall see. it is true that Since we made Staten land April 6th, we have had almost a continual succession of head winds. it is Satisfactory to me that we have done as well as was possible under the circumstances, we are now heading to the Eastard and we shall probably make land tomorrow Raffling of guns, pistols watches & is the order of the day. Latitude 36"00 Longitude 76"08"