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Tuesday May 8th
Weather clear and wind right ahead, no prospect of getting in this week, growling grumbling and damning is now the order of the day, and the old Capitol what was A. No one at Rio is now classed as worse- than an old Scow -

Wednesday 9th
     A repetition of yesterday, with the exception we are heading W by S - Muchisomo. Malo, theres a good time coming boys - and great news probably await us on our arrival at Valparaiso - Latitude 36"25". Longitude 75"26. 

Thursday 10th
     Here we have it again Rainy, Stormy blowing no going, ramping and tearing damning and swearing, this Ship that [[do?]] well is now sent to hell Old Brigham and Neal hot ears ought to feel. these gusts are prayd for aloud by this motley crowd from night untill noon with withering scorn, the effects of those prayers will probably carry them to Heaven No reckoning to day.

Friday 11th
To day we are doing a little better. than we have done for some days, we are heading N.E. and the land is in Sight. we are only one hundred and Seventy five miles from port. we will have to tack Ship soon if the wind don't haul Eight bells. and the Captain in his clear musical voice gives the word ready about. which is answered by the mate, Repeating the Same words. The Mate then takes his Station on the top gallant Forecastle and tends to the working of the head yards, when all is ready he Sings out all ready forward Sir, and the word  Hard a lee is given by the Captain and She comes up in the wind with her Sails shaking. and as soon as she is arrives at the proper position, the word Main top Sail haul is given
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