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and aloft walking the waters like a thing of life The gales and head winds of Cape Horn are forgotten or seen as things that were, all are now busily employed in scouring up for San Francisco. Guns, Rifles. Revolvers and Bowie Knifes are daily out and brushed up, and many schemes and plans are proposed for obtaining gold on their arrival at the El dorado, Lat 30"42 Longitude

Monday May 21st
Wind still continues fair and we make good seven knots, the weather is a mild pleasant as could be wished for, the countenances of the passengers is a good indication of the progress we are making, and the tide has again turned in favour of the Capitol. She is now the very best Craft bound for Calfornia the industrious ones are all busy in making powder Horns. Lat 27"40 Long

Tuesday May 22nd
Our decks look much like a mechanics shop for they are covered with chips all are occupied in doing something, making tents, scraping powder horns, and making all other necessary arrangements for their entrance to the gold mines The news obtained at Valparaiso has set them all at work and if the one half is true they can build something beside castles in the air Lat 25"18 Longitude 76"00

Wednesday may 23rd
Latitude ^[[23"25]] 
[[strikethrough]]23"36 [[/strikethrough]] Longitude
Cloudy and rainy to day, we are in the tropics and have got the commencement of the trades, we have had a grand run from Valparaiso and we now look forward to our journeys end with as much anxiety as can be imagined, and numerous plans are formed and reformed eight p.m. the rain keeps the bohoys below and the old scenes of Whist all fours and the other infernal noises peculiar to this region are