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Monday June 11th

Our Ship to day looks more like a carpenters shop than A No 1 Merchantmen freighter with adventurous Yankees for Calafornia, fore and aft the decks is covered with chips and shavings, The Lewiston falls Co, having purchased a spar of the Captain are busily employed in working it up into masts for their boat. Sweeps &c, for the purpose of getting up the River to the gold mines, while a dozen or more are at work. A crowd of Idlers are round joking laughing talking and criticising on their labours
Latitude 00 53 Longitude 112-34

Tuesday June 12
About six o clock yesterday afternoon the exciting cry of Sail Ho was raised and immediately all eyes were turned in the direction pointed out, discovered a full riggd Ship Standing for us we spoke her, Ship Roscius of N Bedford
cruising for whales She sent a Boat aboard of us and they were much pleased to receive late papers given them by the Captain last Jan'y We were much disappointed to find they knew nothing about Calafornia, they having been from home some two or three years They remained on board some time and took their leave with six cheers from the Capitol which they returned, The Roscius is commanded by Capt Winslow and is a fine looking Ship The debating Society held their meeting this afternoon and discussed the question, Is the Bible the inspired word of God The discussion was not what I was led to expect, no new thoughts or ideas being advanced, and the research and eloquence displayed was below mediocrity, the subject was postponed till the next meeting
Lat 00,34 north Longitude 114.03 West