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List of passengers continued,    Residence
                Not connected with Co.
John Eagan                       Roxbury, Mass
Dennison J Kinsball              Grafton  N.H.
N Dwight Johnson                 Woburn   Mass
Fredk Wm Field                   Quincy   "  "

                Ex Bunker Hill Co
Horace Lazell                    Worcester " "
William Holden                   Boston    " "
John Hill                        E Cambridge
                Co of
Henry Ortman                     Roxbury   " "
Chas Snyder                      "  "  "   " "
Edward Ryan                      Newburyport
John Ryan                        "  "  "   "
  __  __ 
Howard M Graves                  Boston
A C Smith                        "  "  "   "

                Springfield Co 2nd
Wm J Hubbard                     Springfield
E T Potter                       Hartford Con
Saml. Elliot                     Springfield
Henry McGatt.                    "  "  "   "
Henry Williams                   Chiccopee
               The Co of         Grafton  NH
Albott Wheelock                  "  "  "  "
Eleazar Leeland                  "  "  "  "
P K Leeland                      "  "  "  "
Gilbert Ladd                     Danville Vt
Saml Flanders                    Charlestown Ms
Carl J Zeimvolat.                Dorchester

               Lawrence Co
James Winslow                    Lawrence    "
James Horner                     "  "  "     "
Frank B Moore 2nd                "  "  "     "
Richard K. Hamon                 "  "  "     "
Chas B Wilkins                   "  "  "     "
Chas Currier                     "  "  "     "
George W Gerry                   "  "  "     "