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After the foregoing business was concluded the association was dissolved and a meeting of the passengers was held to take into consideration the question of celebrating the coming anniversary of American Independence. Mr Wallis of Salem was appointed Chairman & John S Foster Sec'y, a committee of five was appointed to take the matter into consideration and report at a future meeting, Mr Whittemore calld the attention of the passengers to the necessity of taking some measures towards Claiming some compensation of the Charteres for their Services in waiting on themselves and performing such menial offices as they had been compelld to, voted that the Subject be discussed at the next meeting Lat 6"25 Longitude not obtained

Saturday June 16th
A spanking breeze from the S. East and we are dashing along in fine style this is a circumstance unlooked for, as it is in the Latitude where the trade wind usually prevail from the N. East, the weather is squally and a plenty of rain, Thermometor Eighty five in the shade Lat 9"00 Longitude 114"45

Sunday June 17th
We had a most glorious run last twenty four hours, and the passengers are expressing [[strikethrough]] themselves in [[/strikethrough]] admiration of the old Ship, A large school of Black fish came alongside to day & sporting and gamboling as thoug the defied us to harm them. in the afternoon a large Army of porpoises filed past us their line extending as far as the Eye could reach - acting in imitation of the slack rope performers at the circus tumbling, jumping and rolling over and over, and turning double somerselts most gracefully
Latitude 12"9 Longitude 115"00