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Monday June 18th
The wind is still from the S East and we make about eight Knots pr hour, the proposed adjourned meeting relative to the celebration of the Fourth was held this afternoon, and it was voted that the Subject be indefinitely postponed There is a Brig in Sight too far off to telegraph eight o clock. The wind has died away and we Just Move along, we Shall not go ahead much more till we get the Trades, which according to custom we Should have had in Lat. 5 north, [[strikethrough]] Lat 1015 9 [[/strikethrough]] Longitude 115"45 Latitude 15"11-

Tuesday June 19th
Owing to the light wind which [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] prevailed during the night the Brig which was far astern of us yesterday had passed us during the night and now lays becalmed about two miles ahead of us - about ten o clock we were visited by a boat from her, Reported themselfs Brig Newcastle of N York. Saild fourth of Jany, Left in [[Tulchawana?]] Bark Oxford of Boston Brig Forrest and Bark Leonore ^[[insertion]] do [[/insertion]] Ship Albany and Brig Osceola N York, the weather is clear and pleasant and a number of the passengers are trying to catch a Shark which is prowling round, Lat. 16"35 Longitude 115"44

Wednesday June 20
This morning a Sail was discovered about two points of our Lee Bow. at first we took her to be the Brig Newcastle but on closer [[strikethrough]] examinantion [[/strikethrough]] examination proved to be a large ship and gaining on us She being to the leeward when first discovered great was our chagrin and disappointment on Telegraphing her to find her the Pharsalia whom we thought far astern of us. She finally run across our Bows and lowered her main Royal as an insulting challenge to us for a race we Saild in sight of her all the afternoon and the only advantage She obtained was, about 3 miles to windward which was oweing to our being so very Light in the water