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Thursday  June 28th
Wind ahead instead of Land, we are heading W and we hope that in 130 or 140 West that we Shall obtain a Westerly wind.  Music hath charms, So Says the poet, but oh ye gods Spare our poor nerves this infliction of music by the Calathumpian Band Deliver us from this fiery ordeal. Drumd to death by tin pans, and fifed to death by penny whistles
No, but the Shrill whistle of a Locomotive is not a Circumstance to the whistling between decks on Board Ship Capitol, Oh that I had the pen of a Snelling with what Satire I would lash these vile disturbers of the public peace, yea were I even a Marshall Tukey, would not I put them and have them put them under bonds to keep the peace  Yes I would brand them with the mark of Cain that all might Shun them, Seriously, as we near port they set all rules and orders at defiance and train just as they please Latitude 23"48, Lon 125"18
Friday 29,  Latitude 24.05.  Longitude 127.59 -

Saturday  June 30th
Just So, Wind ahead going to the Westard like the d-l-  Scenery on deck this morning is rich & and varied.  for instance at the Capstan a party of four playing Euchre on the Booby Hatch do on the Starboard Side and ranging from the after house to the forward one are as many can find room on deck while on the top gallant forecastle is any quantity 'all Same So.
Latitude 24"44  Longitude 130.24