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                 Saturday July 7th 

It is manifest to any person who may be acquainted the feelings of the passengers on board this ship. that they can not and will not any longer Submit to the gross and outrageous imposition practiced on them for the last five months if there is any possibility of obtaining it. or obtaining redress for it-- complaints are not only frequent but general that the provisions poor and coarse as it is is not Served in Sufficient quantities to Satisfy the people and for some time past they have had to resort to the following degrading means of procuring something in the Shape of food. beside this continual [[underline]] Scouse, Scouse [[/underline]] many of the passengers have or are in the habit of taking the [[underline]] Ship [[bread ?]] [[/underline]] (not pilot) and having Soaked it in Salt water, with two or three slices of pork on top, they stand round the Galley Dish in hand waiting for their turn to get it into the Oven The pork thus used is Sometimes taken from the bowl put in Soak the night previous, and for this they are changed by the Steward with Stealing the pork and to deprive them of even this. the pork is now put from the barrel into the coppers, without Soaking, surely any person acquainted with the facts would not call this Theft promised as we have been that provisions ^[[of the best kind]] and plenty of it was put on board for our use. but the result shows a very different state-- for the last four weeks there has been nothing for breakfast but [[underline]] Scouse [[/underline]] a dish that a New Englander would not Serve to his Hogs-- Beef or pork bad as they are there is none for breakfast and Seldom for Supper. take us all in all we are a discontented disaffected crew, as can well be imagined--
At half past four this afternoon Spoke Bark Suliote of Belfast Saild January thirtieth In the evening some five or Six of the passengers having blackd their faces gave an Ethiopian Concert on deck which caused a good deal of laughter & amusement five p.m. tackd Ship and Stood E.N.E.
Latitude 33"20 Lon 138"49"