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Sunday July 8th
Tackd Ship again at twelve last night and Stood NW by N this is worse than Cape Horn, for ten days past we have made nothing, Some of the passengers thought it adviseable to hold religious Services to day, and notice was posted up, that Services would commence at ten o clock prayer was offered by Mr. Beckett and Col Tebbetts read the 26th and 27th Chapter of Proverbs and after Singing. An address delivered to young men by Revd Mr Walker of East [[Abbington ?]], was read by Mr Wallis, the meeting was continued in the afternoon and a good deal of interest was manifested
   Lat 22"35" Lon 138"18

Monday July 9th
   Great excitement to day. Caused by the following notice which was posted up on front of the Cabin,

   [[underline]] Twenty Five Dollars Reward [[/underline]]
The above reward will be given to any person or persons who will give information to me, of the party of five or more men, who this morning about three o clock entered the Ships lower hold with a lantern and removed many of the Ship Stores, in Search of and probably for the purpose of Stealing therefrom

   The informers name if wished, will be Strictly confidential.

   It will be for the interest of every person having freight on board Ship to make known who the [[underline]] Thieves [[/underline]] are. that the damages may fall upon the right parties
   Before any Cargo is discharged from this Ship, I shall enter a protest to this effect. that the Ships hold has been frequently entered and things Stolen and that it has been entirely beyond the power of myself and  and officers to prevent it. this will at once
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