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soon vanished for in a few minutes the wind changed and drove us off our course again.
Lat 37°18' Long 137°18' 

Friday 13th
Head wind and cloudy weather again today. We finished painting a covering for our Tent and to protect our goods with in the rainy weather when we get on land (if we ever do) Nothing more of importance today.
Lat 36°48' Long 135°46'  

Saturday 14th 
Strong winds from the N. Ship steering E. by N. a very good course if there was no variation in the compass but it happens there is nearly a point and a half to the E. which put with the leeway is a great deal against us. In the afternoon it kept breezing up till it blew a fresh gale but not a rag of sail was taken in.  They are bound to [[underlined]] put her through [[/underlined]] as long as the wind will permit it. Today for the first time we were all put on allowances of water as that article will soon be minus if we have to hang around here much longer. What little there is left is not fit to drink nor can we drink it without holding our nose to keep from smelling it. At night we steered E.N.E.
Lat 36°18' Long 132°32'

Sunday 15th
Begins with strong winds from the N. as usual. with a heavy headbeat sea to contend against which impedes our progress a good deal but the old Ship ploughs through it as though she bid defiance to the winds and waves. It does not appear much like sunday. Every one look cross and downhearted to think we cannot get a fair wind and we are loseing ground daily.
Lat 35°35'

Monday 17th
Fresh breezes and a heavy sea running from the N.W. Ship steering in the morning N.E. but before night it got back into the old quarter E.