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a rather puzzling problem not knowing what Bakelite was. Then went to Mouguins where the Fensoph's had decorated their room to present sword of honor to Dr. Forster on occasion of his appointment as Lieutenant surgeon of the U. S. reserve corps. A very jolly party. Armstrong was not there but Dr. Jenkins formerly of the NY quarantine was there.
In the afternoon went to University Club then to Chemists Club. At 8 P.M. dinner of [[strikethrough]] ann [[/strikethrough]] 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Club. A good but not too numerous attendance.
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everybody seemed in excellent spirits. On the menu was my portrait among that of the Past Presidents. At the request of Boquet presiding, I made first speech of the evening complementing dinner committee on the good taste they had not to make this an expensive affair and not imitating rich people who tried to make success of a dinner of the [[turist?]] by showing how much money we can spend. I put stress on the good spent among American[[strikethrough]] [[?]] so [[/strikethrough]] chemists, where snobism 
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