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old and professorlike.
At 6:15 Dinner of the Economic Club.  Subject Trade Unions.  Speakers.  Garfield, Pres. of Williams College, then Mr. ?  head of Brotherhood locomotive engineers then Littlefield a lawyer formerly Member of Congress.  Then Keir Hardie socialist member of Parliament England and some others.  E. H. Hooker was there so was Baskerville.  Very crowded room, speakers generally not so good as on former occasions.  Hardie
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looks like a rugged [[strikethrough]] short [[/strikethrough]] average height thick set scotchman, slightly bald gray hair, and gray [[strikethrough]] whis [[/strikethrough]] beard.  Scotch accent  Speaks well.
Hooker & myself walked to N.Y. Central Station together.  He remained in town.  Came home rather late very cold biting wind.  Fur coat & fur cap.  Temperature -15 C.
[[margin]] Jan 19. [[/margin]] Spent all day almost entirely dictating letters and writing.  Began sending out letters for arousing interest in bill for appointing a central Court of Appeals for Patent cases.
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