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Explained them once more how handles would be made by priming soft impregnated slabs of wood in suitable molds hot in hydraulic press thus finishing at the same time.  They left their samples here so that Thurlow and I may discuss them further.  Left at noon.  Afternoon busy dictating letters, some laboratory work.  Evening again beautiful sunset.  [[underline]] George [[underline]] got up early this morning to [[underline]]make bob sled[[underline]].  Saw them gliding down Roberts Ave in evening.  Went like 50 miles per hour.
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Very dangerous spot. Warned them Lewis and servant girls and children all on same sled.  [[underline]]Forbade George & Nina to continue this very dangerous fun[[underline]].  Children very reluctant did not heed my warnings.  Shortly afterwards [[underline]]Lewis was carried in ambulance to hospital suffering agony.  Getty says hemorrhage of left kidney.  Looks very serious.  I slept little all night.  If everything goes well Lewis will have to remain quite some time in hospital.
Jan 21.  [[strikethrough]] Foggy [[/strikethrough]] Slushy, warm unpleasant day.  Dictated letters all morning. Spent little time
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