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in lab. Afternoon went with [[underline]]George[[underline]] to automobile show Madison Garden. [[underline]]George collected[[underline]] circulars Very few new features and only small improvements. [[underlined in red]] Since 4 years motor cars made little progress [[/underlined in red]] except improving details. Afterwards went together to Mouquins met there Mr. Tyndale then walked up to the Royalton with him. We showed George the building of the Bar Association. Came home about 10:30. Dark slurry slush in New York
Those people have little of the winter but dirt and slush. Here everything is
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still nice white snow
Jan 22. Dictated letters all day. Warm slushy weather. Met Mr. Mailloux by appointment at 6:30 P.M in Restaurant Belmont. [[marginal entry]] X 1/2 [[/marginal entry]] He says he can place Townsend cell in France and other european countries wants some kind of agency. His talk sounds plausible.
Then went Chemist's Club award of [[underlined]] Perkin's medal [[/underlined]] I should call it [[underlined]] Schweitzers Medal [[/underlined]] because it is he who decides who shall have it Arno Behr. medallist was not there, busy in California. Chandler
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