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[[preprinted]] 118 [[/preprinted]]
of America who thought [[red line along left margin]] otherwise (great applauses)I was glad to see Dr. Takamine there with 3 or 4 of his
[[underlined]] Schweitzer [[/underlined]] was very ^ [[aggresive]] aggressive and complained about smell of Bakelite - after I had told him that C does not smell; he started up again and made a mess of it by showing his ignorance on the subject and finally I had to refer him to my paper and I was glad to see I had the applause and the laugh on my side.  [[underlined]] Schweitzer [[/underlined]]
seemed rather uncomfortable He was [[underlined]] the only man [[/underlined]] 
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[[preprinted]] 119 [[/preprinted]]
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showing animosity: or ^[[opposition]] Everybody else showed me friendship and goodwill. In fact I was startled with all the congratulations I received afterwards. Mr. [[underlined]] Steinberger [[/underlined]] of Queen Insulate Co and Mr Swenson were there and assured me they were hustling everything in shape to use Bakelite  So was Mr. [[Brain?]] and his assistant. [[underlined]] Richard Anthony [[/underlined]] was around and explained to everybody how he had observed me on my first visit to the U.S. and I told
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