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[[preprinted]] 142 [[/preprinted]]
[[vertical red line in left margin]]Boquert, Toch, Alexander and [[Schipphaus?]] and referred also to Bakelite. All excellent [[underlined]] Takamine spoke about the Japanning of China. Funny sight to see stout small Takamine with his [[strikethrough]] big head [[/strikethrough]] a yellow hat on his big head. [[underlined]] Loeb made an excellent parody of my paper on Bakelite [[/underlined]] 
with samples and demonstrations and formulas. and how German buns ^[[buns]] could be made of Bakelite and how Bakelite is entirely odorless until it comes in contact with helvetian ^[["Helvetian]] cheese ^[[cheese]] (This an allusion to Schweitzers attempt at my lecture to make believe that Bakelite smells) All very good and witty [[/vertical red line in left margin]]
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[[preprinted]] 143 [[/preprinted]]
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Boquert. = On the material resources of Conversation as an expiation to his long Presidential address ^ [["On Natural Resources for Conservation"]] before the A.C.S. Digged freely in Bakelite, Bakelizers etc etc. [[underlined]] again bringing Bakelite in
for the main part of the evening. [[/underlined]] Then came back with his pictures = "The jokes of [[underlined]] Loeb [[/underlined]] and their effect on different members of the Club." He also wound up that my discovery of using heat & pressure was not new and had been used by Adam an Eve thousands of years ago. All very witty. Finally we heard ^[[OL?]] singing [[strike through]] march [[/strike through]] procession with [[misletons?]] [[strikethrough]] Doremus [[strike through]]
[[/vertical red line in left margin]]
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