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Dictated letters all morning  At about 1 P.M. Newman came here with four insurance adjusters.  One Mr. Arthur Bell seemed to be the most entertaining of the lot.  Big log fire in hall.  Seemed all very reasonable and gentlemanly.  Gave them bit of lunch here.  All refused wine one or two only smoked.  Rather cheerful meeting, accepted my [[strikethrough]] losses [[/strikethrough]] estimated loss for automobile so this settles this question. Dear old friend of an "old truck" that has served us so faithfully so many years, our trusty companion
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on our never to be forgotten Family Motor Trip through Europe."  Whatever remains of you will be carted away to morrow on some old wagon and sold for what it will bring!
Adjusters left here about 3 PM  Did some more dictating then Thurlow arrived here and we began to examine things and move away my books to Oppenheimer's barn.
Snow storm is getting worse.  Cheerless looking place!  Thurlow and myself spent some time in house before the fire talking matters over.
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