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[[preprinted]] 194 [[/preprinted]]

with [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] in hall. Home lesson of arithmetic. [[underlined]] Fine looking intelligent boy he is. [[/underlined]] Would like to have his picture as he sits in big chair, doing his arithmetics, his fine mop of hair slantingly covers half of his broad forehead. Went to bed early but got awakened about 2 P.M. It rains, work will probably be stopped tomorrow.
[[margin]] March 25. [[/margin]] Fine Weather, Carpenters and laborers very busy with new building. Dictated letters then helped some tree planting.
[[margin]] March 26 [[/margin]]  [[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] made tracing of Bakelizer and I promised him one Dollar for his work. [[underlined]] the boy shows excellent tendencies [[/underlined]]. He made a section elevation and plan 

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[[stamped page number]] 195 [[/stamp]]
of a motor boat and seems to take great interest in his work. I dictated letters all day. afternoon observed
[[left margin, strikethrough]] March 27 [[/margin/strikethrough]] construction and tree planting
[[left margin]] March 27 [[/margin note]] Busy all day first dictating then working in garden laying out places for trees. Yesterday I had funny encounter with a policeman who lacks humor and who mistook Miss Evan for a burglar because at noon time I sent her to Oppenheimer home to telephone after she had obtained the key from John Goff. My line was broken. Today there is an account of this comic episode in the Daily News.
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