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[[margin]] April 2. [[/margin]]
Fined weather again Building advances rapidly Evening dinner with Barkerville at Engineers Club = Banrcroft, Turrentine, Lnaeoines & Evans present. Very enjoyable affair. Meeting of N.Y. Section of the A.E.S. lasted until 11:30 PM. Went home with Evans.
April 3. More good weather. Helps building much delayed somewhat by non arrival of materials. At 3 P.M. visited Takamine at his office in 173 st. Neat 3 story dwelling house. neat office. lab. upstairs, not invited in lab. He told me that as soon as ready to send sampes & instructions Bakelite will be taken up. Afterwards went to Fensophs. 4 P.M. Foster, Dr. Goulet, Haneman, Richards, Neivel and Rebman there. Took supper at Mouguin uptown. Then meeting at Chemist Club for International Congress 1912. All seems favorable and enthusiastic. Nichols presided. Action of Congress obtained. But no subsidy. we shall have to hustle.
[[margin]] Blasting of rock near vegetable gardens was finished yesterday and to day rock is being cleared.[[margin]]
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ourselves for obtaining funds. Went home at 11:40 P.M. train alone.
April 4. (Sunday) Beautiful day. Joe and Jim and myself made a run of solid A. Thurlow is on a visit to his mother. Worked hard all day. no time for lunch except swallowing a sandwich while watching operations. boiler improvised area outside of remains of former building. Results rather satisfactory. This gives me more than 100 kilos of material with which to keep on. Got thru at about 6 P.M. and felt very satisfied of our days work.
April 5. Another fine day. Last remnants of former laboratory torn down and clearing up of wreckage begun. At 8 P.M. visit of [[blank space]] of John Pratt Mfg. Co Hartford, Conn. Is employed by them for their electrical research work. Showed him samples and explained him about use of Bakelite. Says will start getting ready with outfit so as to start experiments.
April 6. Fine day. Floor laid on first story. Beginning of asbestos tile roofing. Retaining wall of vegetable garden half finished. At 3 P.M. visit of Schroeder of (McKenna) with whom discussed possibility of impregnating cement with Bakelite so as to make it impervious.
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